Monday, September 22, 2008


Because, of course, the asterisk renders the word above a complete mystery to you.

Some days are easier than others. That's how it works. Chin up, lil' camper. Tomorrow's a fresh, blank slate.


T' said...

I am going to have to try this kind of inking. I'm so used to crosshatching I never break out of my shell. Love to see a whole big drawing like this, background and all, though I know this is mainly to get something in you out.

patricio.betteo said...

Bernie Wrightson, move over!

Elephantiasis said...

You two are far too kind. ;)

T': check out the work of Joseph Clement Coll and most especially Franklin Booth and Heinrich Kley! The middle dude has been a huge influence on these therapy pieces. I can't wait to get back to practicing my inking. Even doing the marks feels therapeutic.

pbetto: eek! :D

Ryan Hasse said...

It's been really great to see the raw energy of a lot of the imagery you've been pumping out lately.

Jonathan Ryder said...

Freaking awesome man... You got alot of control with that pen!

Elephantiasis said...

Ryan, Jon, blessings on thy heads!

Being free to go nuts on these pieces, to really focus on the quality of line and texture, to push the craft of drawing, is part of what makes these pieces thereputic.

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