Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Rescue.

Coming to SoCal was, as the saying goes, a "learning experience". I have indeed learned much since moving here. Wildfires are scary, for instance, especially when they're burning towards you and all you hold dear. Corporate culture and grade school still have much in common; there's another. Endless sunshine is not as great as it sounds. I remain capable of making a living at art, even here, where the competition is as fierce as it gets and the cost of living puts the "dick" in ridiculous.

Ever notice how sometimes you notice growth because someone else points it out, apropos of nothing, and other times you recognize it because you simply don't have feelings, or attitudes, or inhibitions you once had?

We are constantly urged to go, go, GO in this culture. Yet you can't bring about substantive change in yourself unless you're willing to stop, take a deep breath and look into the places that scare you. Intentional change is pretty much the best there is.

I've proven to myself that I can keep up. That's probably the single greatest revelation to come from my stints at Carbine, Meteor and Red 5. Okay. So I can keep up. That had as much to do with personal growth, if not more, than any art skills I gained. Now I want to get back to growing as an ARTIST.

I've got about a million paintings and drawings to go. Let's get going already.