Thursday, January 28, 2010


It's Thursday. Time for an update.

Got a brand-new Epson Perfection V700 Photo scanner today. Finally I can start scanning and uploading the efforts of the past year! The nice lady above was a model at Glen Vilppu's head class from last fall. Good good stuff. Here she is again:

Huzzah Technology!

Monday, January 11, 2010

A New Year, And....

Screw you, big giant bullet shell bomb thing. Seriously, screw you. I used to wish you'd just go away. Then I thought maybe I'd bury you so deep I'd forget you ever existed. You got to run the show for a while. I found you again, on a proving ground of my own choosing. Now I know you're a part of me. I accept that. One of these days you'll get the love you need. But I'm done with being afraid of your shadow. It's high time you were afraid of mine.

Hang around up there all you want. We both know that's the worst you can manage.